Health and Safety at work


What responsibilities does the worker have to stay safe?

To work in compliance with OHS regulations
• To use PPE when directed by employer
• To report hazards and dangers
• To work in a manner as trained and to use safety equipment provided


    Four Rights of the Worker

    • The right to know
    • The right to participate
    • The right to refuse
    • The right to no reprisal

    More from WORKSAFE BC



    Biological Hazards:. Biohazards, Infectious Disease, Vermin, Insects

    Chemical Hazards: Chemicals, Toxins, Scents, Carcinogens

    Ergonomic Hazards: Repetitive movements, MSD, shiftwork, lighting, tools, continuous sitting or standing

    Physical Hazards

    Psychosocial Hazards

    Safety Hazards

    Have you been injured on the job?

    Here is what you do in case you have just been injured on the job. When someone suffers a work-related injury or disease, WorkSafeBC is  there to help. They understand it can be a stressful time, and they offer support through each step of the claims process, from the initial report of the injury through to the worker’s recovery and return to usual work duties.


    Seek First Aid

    Document the incident after the injury. Please inform your supervisor or first aid to fill out the first aid log or WorksafeBC Report of Occupational Injury or Disease Form 7.


    Contact your Practitioner

    Your practitioner will fill out Form 8 – Physician’s Report for you and they will submit it to WorksafeBC. 


    Contact WorkSafeBC

    Call Teleclaim at 1.888.WORKERS
     (1.888.967.5377) or report online or by fax or mail. See more information on how to report and what to expect.


    Get compensated

    WorkSafeBC states that claims can usually provide a decision on whether a claim is accepted within an average of 10 days.


    Considering Long-term disability?


    Call Human Resources

    Call Human Resources at the main switchboard 250-475-1775 within 10 weeks of your date of injury.


    Complete the LTD application form

    Get your forms from Human Resources Department.


    Prepare your information

    Be prepared to provide your medical backgroound and any other relevant information to support your case to LTD.


    Status eligibility

    LTD will determine the eligibility of your claim. You will be informed directly by them if your application was succesful.

    Want to make sure your worksite is safe and healthy?

    Yes I want to get involved with OH&S!

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    Contact us

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    Call us

    (250) 727-2215

    Local Union Office

    3301 Douglas St Unit 104,
    Victoria, BC V8Z 3L2

    Hours of operation

    Monday 8:15a.m.–3:30p.m.
    Tuesday 8:15a.m.–3:30p.m.
    Wednesday 8:15a.m.–3:30p.m.
    Thursday 8:15a.m.–3:30p.m.
    Friday 8:15a.m.–3:30p.m.
    Saturday Closed
    Sunday Closed

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